Friday 9 March 2012

Councillors demand full investigation into huge landslide in Bray‏

Sinn Féin councillors John Brady and Rossa Murray have called for a full investigation into a massive landslide adjacent to a development that is taking place at Brook House School on the Herbert Road in Bray.
The construction site is on the high ground which overlooks the publicly owned Rehills Land beside the river Dargle. The huge landslide has seen hundreds of tonnes of rock and soil plough down through a protected forest which has a tree preservation order in place and has left the area very unstable and prone to further
Speaking after raising the issue at the Town Council meeting in Bray Councillor Brady Said "This issue was brought to my attention by frightened residents who felt their homes shake when the massive landslide took place.
I have visited the site and was shocked at the scale of the landslide, a large section of the forest was literately washed away with the landslide, and hundreds of tonnes of rock and soil gave way and ended up on the Rehills land which is down below. It’s a miracle nobody was killed on the site"
Cllr Brady continued "It appears large volumes of excavated soil from the adjoining development which is beside Brook House School was been dumped on top of the hill and under the weight the entire hill gave way. The force of the landslide that ensued uprooted and carried large mature trees several hundred metres before being deposited on the land below.
The forest is destroyed, it is supposed to be preserved with a tree preservation order, however that had little effect in this case, everything in the way was swept away with the force of the landslide"
Cllr Rossa Murray went onto say "There are a number of issues here. It appears that there has been a blatant breech in the planning permission that was granted for the development adjacent to the landslide and this has caused the serious problem, these needs to be followed up by enforcement immediately by the council.
There are also health and safety issues, the site in its current condition is not
secure and is totally unstable and the possibility of a further landslide is real, I have reported the site to the Health and Safety Authority such are my concerns about this development and its condition"
Cllr Brady concluded "At the council meeting I requested a full engineers report on this serious situation, I have also requested a remedial plan for the area and report from the planners. It appears that this incident was down irresponsible activities on site, this has resulted in the destruction of a protected wooded area which has deposited hundreds of tonnes of debris on publicly owned land.”
We could have been dealing with an entirely different incident here, thankfully nobody was injured, however there must be answers to the questions as to how this happened and all costs removing the debris and restoring the area must be carried by the owners of the development".

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